Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bear by the Boardwalk

Okay, it wasn't me who saw the bear. It was Ellen, Ross and Karl. But really I wanted say "bear near the boardwalk". They saw it just after they had parted ways with Cindy and I to go fishing (a successful trip) while we continued our boardwalk stroll. 
Wednesday was relaxing. Rosalee and Eric stayed at the house with a few others, Rosalee wanting to spend time with Liam and Ania. They had a game of baseball, played in the garden, found shredded snake skins (fully intact), and played frisbee. 
Cindy and I walked the boardwalk, admiring a local artist's pastels of Bamfield houses, admiring "Cat Haven"' an eccentrically lovely yard for cats, and stopping for lattes at the boardwalk bistro.
In the afternoon Eric an I worked on our feasts or the masses, Chicken Marbella, served with fresh corn, green beans and salad with plenty of avocado. It was a hit!
Visited by a Steller's Jay (BC's provincial bird) in the evening. Wish I got a picture of his dusky blueness.
Smell of woodsmoke coming in from the neighbour's bonfire. Mmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Seas, trees, starfish, I wish, flowers, fresh air, fine food and friends. So glad everyone is soaking in life! You all look so happy and relaxed and lattaied (sp). Well maybe it's something else. Bear by the Boardwalk! A real BC stroll in the neighbourhood. I'd love to have heard the audio. And starfish! Miracle Grow for the Ocean. I have so enjoyed this Danielle. Thanks for documenting so we could all re-visit. (That's me walking the docks at the end of the day) XOM Marg
