Monday was a day of play here in Bamfield. Rosalee met the children of the hosts of the B&B. Liam (who is also 5 and a half) and Ania (who is 2) became Rosalee's playmates for a large part of the day. The played baseball (R's first- and her first swing at the ball was a hit!), various games in the backyard, swung on the hammock, and compared shell collections. We also followed them down to the beach for some beach combing. This was our second trip to the beach as Karl, Eric, Rosalee and I had ventured there (via secret hobbit-path) earlier in the morning. We searched the tide pools for life and found many wondrous creatures, including starfish, crabs, anemones.
In the afternoon , Eric, Karl and Cindy went fishing, and Eric caught a 14 pound spring salmon ( to be eaten later this week). In the quiet I had time to read and watch the hummingbirds visit the geraniums.
Dinner was Ross's chicken parmesan special - yum!
The evening was topped off with some guitar playing and singing.
Giant Green Anemone? Who knew? I can not figure out why I did not move to the seaside when I was young and moving about in the world. Love the sea . . . and the mountains . . . and all of your recent posts.